Last updated date: 25-Sep-2024
September 2024: Book chapter by Yogesh Gautam, Rosina Adhikari, Amit Ojha, Houtan Jebelli, and William E. Sitzabee on "Predictive Maintenance of Building Facility: A Digital Twin Framework Using Long Short-Term Memory Encode–Decode Model," was published by ASCE.
September 2024: Book chapter by Milad Sadat-Mohammadi, Somayeh Asadi, and Houtan Jebelli on "Digital Twin–Based Ergonomic Risk Assessment Framework for Maintenance Technicians in Near Real Time," was published by ASCE.
September 2024: Book chapter by Shayan Shayesteh, Amit Ojha, Houtan Jebelli, and Asok Ray on "Digital Twin–Enabled Health Monitoring of Construction Workers during Robotic Teleoperation," was published by ASCE.
September 2024: Check out our recently published book with ASCE entitled "Digital Twins in Construction and the Built Environment."
September 2024: RaiseLab received the Best Poster Award at the 2024 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering for the project supported by the NSF National Robotics Initiative program.
August 2024: RaiseLab's recent paper titled "Intention-aware Robot Motion Planning for Safe Worker–Robot Collaboration" has been featured as the cover image of the journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
August 2024: Journal paper by Amit Ojha, Shayan Shayesteh, Ali Sharifironizi, Yizhi Liu, and Houtan Jebelli on "Worker-centric heat strain analysis: Integrating physiological signals with ensemble learning and domain adaptation," was published in Automation in Construction.
July 2024: Conference paper "Evaluating the Impact of Back-Support Exoskeletons on Construction Workers’ Fall Risk," was presented by Shayan Shayesteh at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Enhancing Ergonomics and Posture with Wearable Robots for Construction Tasks: Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Reality-Based Exoskeleton Training Platforms," was presented by Yuming Zhang at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) based Personalized Feedback for Construction Worker Well-being," was presented by Yogesh Gautam at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Understanding the Impact of an Exoskeleton System on Metabolic Cost of Workers During Common Repetitive Construction Tasks," was presented by Yogesh Gautam at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Advancing Realtime Physiological Health Monitoring in Construction: A Feasibility Study of Fatigue Estimation of Construction Workers on Smart Devices," was presented by Yogesh Gautam at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "A Multimodal Machine Learning Approach to Fatigue Assessment in Construction Workers Using Wearable Technology," was presented by Yogesh Gautam at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Evolving Construction Robotics Training: Embracing Virtual Reality for Effective Wearable Robot Use in Construction," was presented by Yuming Zhang at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Advancing Construction Robotics Learning Through Virtual Reality: A User Experience and Usability Study," was presented by Yuming Zhang at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Revolutionizing Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction: An Empirical Inquiry into the Role of Advanced Multi-finger Haptic Feedback within Immersive Environments," was presented by Shayan Shayesteh at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Grounding Large Language Models in Robot Control: Facilitating Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction," was presented by Xiayu Zhao at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Improving Heat Strain Prediction in Construction Workers: A Transfer Learning Approach to Overcome Variability Challenges," was presented by Xiayu Zhao at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Developing an Advanced Perception System for Robotic Attic Insulation Using Large Vision-Language Models and LiDAR," was presented by Tianyu Ren at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Robotic Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance System for Advancing Attic Insulation," was presented by Tianyu Ren at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 2024: Conference paper "Adaptive Intelligence for Robot Navigation Efficiency with a Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Cyber-Physical System," was presented by Xiayu Zhao at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2024), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
June 2024: Journal paper by Yogesh Gautam and Houtan Jebelli on "Autoencoder-based Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal reliability enhancement in construction health monitoring," was published in Automation in Construction.
June 2024: RaiseLab PI, Dr. Houtan Jebelli, attended the 2024 NSF Improving Undergraduate Education (IUSE) Summit. The presented work focused on enhancing robotic education in the construction industry through a personalized VR-based training platform.
June 2024: The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign was ranked #1 in civil engineering graduate programs in the nation!
June 2024: Shayan Shayesteh successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Adaptive Human-Machine Interaction for Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction". Congratulations, Dr. Shayesteh!
May 2024: RaiseLab PI, Dr. Houtan Jebelli, attended the NSF Foundational Research in Robotics (FRR)/ National Robotics Initiative (NRI) PIs meeting.
April 2024: Congratulations to Shayan Shayesteh for winning Third Place at the "2024 AACEI 3+1 Construction Elevator Pitch Competition" hosted by AACE Montreal Section and Concordia University for his research titled "Enhancing Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction: An Adaptive Human-Machine Interface Approach." Excellent work, Shayan!
April 2024: Congratulations to Yuming Zhang for winning Second Place at the "2024 AACEI 3+1 Construction Elevator Pitch Competition" hosted by AACE Montreal Section and Concordia University for her research titled "A New Paradigm for Human-Robot Collaboration Training in the Workforce: Developing and Integrating Worker-Centric Al-Enabled Virtual Reality in Construction Robotics Training." Well done, Yuming!
March 2024: Conference paper by Amit Ojha, Shayan Shayesteh, Houtan Jebelli, Abiola Akanmu, Scarlett Miller, and Priya Sharma on “Revitalizing Students’ Perception and Knowledge of Construction Safety: Leveraging Virtual Reality as an Experiential Learning Tool for Construction Robotic Safety Education,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Rosina Adhikari, Yogesh Gautam, Houtan Jebelli, and Willian E. Sitzabee on “Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Modeling Occupants’ Information in an Occupant-Centric Building Control: A Systematic Literature Review,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Yogesh Gautam, Yizhi Liu, and Houtan Jebelli on “Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation in Wearable Physiological Sensing for Construction Workers’ Health Monitoring Using Photoplethysmography,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Amit Ojha, Houtan Jebelli, Lacy Alexander, and Jayson R. Loeffert on “Quantifying the Implications of Humidity and Temperature on Heat Stress Exposure of Construction Workers: A Worker-Centric Physiological Sensing Approach,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Yogesh Gautam and Houtan Jebelli on “Autoencoder-Based Motion Artifact Reduction in Photoplethysmography (PPG) Signals Acquired from Wearable Sensors during Construction Tasks,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Amit Ojha, Ali Sharifironizi, Yizhi Li, and Houtan Jebelli on “Enhancing Human-Centric Physiological Data-Driven Heat Stress Assessment in Construction through a Transfer Learning-Based Approach,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Shayan Shayesteh and Houtan Jebelli on “Evaluating the Feasibility of Personalized Health Status Feedback to Enhance Worker Safety and Well-Being at Construction Jobsites,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
March 2024: Conference paper by Yizhi Liu, Yogesh Gautam, Amit Ojha, Shayan Shayesteh, and Houtan Jebelli on “Studying the Effects of Back-Support Exoskeletons on Workers’ Cognitive Load during Material Handling Tasks,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2024), Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
December 2023: Journal paper by Yizhi Liu and Houtan Jebelli on "Intention-aware robot motion planning for safe worker–robot collaboration," was published in the Journal of Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
September 2023: Yizhi Liu successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Worker-centric Human-robot Co-adaptation in Construction". Congratulations, Dr. Liu!
July 2023: RAISE Lab has moved to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
June 2023: Conference paper by Yizhi Liu, Amit Ojha, and Houtan Jebelli, on “Vision-Based Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Back-Support Exoskeleton for Construction Workers in Material Handling Tasks,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by Yizhi Liu, Yogesh Gautam, Shayan Shayesteh, Houtan Jebelli, and Mohammad Mahdi Khalili, on “Towards an Efficient Physiological-Based Worker Health Monitoring System in Construction: An Adaptive Filtering Method for Removing Motion Artifacts in Physiological Signals of Workers,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by Shayan Shayesteh, Amit Ojha, Yizhi Liu, and Houtan Jebelli on “Evaluating the Impact of Powered Back-Support Exoskeletons and Virtual Reality Interventions on Gait Stability of Construction Workers at Heights,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by Amit Ojha, Hongyu Guo, Houtan Jebelli, Anne Martin, and Abiola Akanmu on “Assessing the Impact of Active Back Support Exoskeletons on Muscular Activity during Construction Tasks: Insights from Physiological Sensing,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by Madeline Breneman, Amit Ojha, Houtan Jebelli, Susan J. Simkins, and Abiola Akanmu on “Breaking Down Barriers: A Study of Challenges to Adopting Powered Exoskeletons in the US Construction Industry,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by Amit Ojha, Yizhi Liu, Houtan Jebelli, Huanyu Cheng, and Mehdi Kiani on “Improving Health Monitoring of Construction Workers Using Physiological Data-Driven Techniques: An Ensemble Learning-Based Framework to Address Distributional Shifts,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
June 2023: Conference paper by ShayanShayesteh, Houtan Jebelli, and John Messner on “Digital Twin-Based Health Maps for Construction Worker Health Monitoring: Assessing Feasibility and Viability,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
March 2023: Madeline successfully defended her master's thesis. Congratulations, Madeline!
March 2023: Shayan successfully defended his master's paper in Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations, Shayan!
March 2023: Journal paper by Shayan Shayesteh, Amit Ojha, Yizhi Liu, and Houtan Jebelli on "Human-robot teaming in construction: Evaluative safety training through the integration of immersive technologies and wearable physiological sensing," was published in the Journal of Safety Science.
February 2023: RAISE Lab and collaborators from Penn State and Virginia Tech have received a $600k grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project titled "Investigating the Impact of an Immersive VR-based Learning Environment for Learning Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction Robotics Education." Link
January 2023: Journal paper by Amit Ojha, Yizhi Liu, Shayan Shayesteh, Houtan Jebelli, and William E. Sitzabee on "Affordable Multiagent Robotic System for Same-Level Fall Hazard Detection in Indoor Construction Environments," was published in the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
January 2023: Yogesh Gautam joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Yogesh!
October 2022: Congratulations to Yizhi Liu for being awarded the "Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright – Scholarly Excellence" from the Architectural Engineering Department at Penn State. Well done, Yizhi!
October 2022: Congratulations to Amit Ojha for being awarded the "Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright – Scholarly Excellence" from the Architectural Engineering Department at Penn State. Well done, Amit!
October 2022: Congratulations to Rosina Adhikari, Yizhi Liu, Amit Ojha, and Shayan Shayesteh for being awarded the "Marlene & Joseph Borda Architectural Engineering Graduates Travel Fellowship."
September 2022: RAISE Lab and collaborators from PSU, Udel, and OSU have received a $1.8m award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project titled "Future of Construction Workplace Health Monitoring." Link
September 2022: RAISE Lab and collaborators from Penn State have received a $450K award from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for the project titled "Human-Centric, Non-Invasive Physiological Sensing Framework for Early Detection of Workers' Heat Stress in the Field."
August 2022: RAISE Lab and collaborators from Virginia Tech and Penn State have been awarded a $700K National Robotics Initiative (NRI) grant from NSF for the project titled "Understanding Underlying Risks and Sociotechnical Challenges of Powered Wearable Exoskeleton to Construction Workers." Link
August 2022: Carolina Manrique Paez joined RAISE Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, Carolina!
August 2022: Anika Sengul joined RAISE Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, Anika!
August 2022: Rosina Adhikari joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Rosina!
July 2022: Check out the recent interview of Dr. Jebelli with the Keystone Contractor magazine on construction robots: Link
June 2022: Congratulations to Shayan Shayesteh for being selected as the recipient of the "Future Faculty Immersive Teaching Program (FIT Program)" at Penn State. Well done and keep up the hard work!
June 2022: Congratulations to Yizhi Liu for being awarded the "Gordon D. Kissinger Graduate Research Fellowship" from the Architectural Engineering Department at Penn State. Well done!
June 2022: Milad Sadat-Mohammadi successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Human-centric digital twin model of electric system operators and maintenance technicians for reducing human-related failures". Congratulations, Dr. Sadat-Mohammadi!
May 2022: Yumna Kurdi successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled "Co-Simulation and Optimization of PV System Design at the Urbanscale: Correlation Between Electricity Supply and Demand". Congratulations, Dr. Kurdi!
May 2022: Congratulations to Yizhi Liu for being selected as the recipient of the "Outstanding Graduate Student Award" from the Architectural Engineering Department at Penn State. Well done Yizhi!
April 2022: Shayan passed his Ph.D. qualification exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, Shayan!
April 2022: Amit passed his Ph.D. qualification exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, Amit!
April 2022: Congratulations to Shayan Shayesteh for being awarded the "Glenn E. Singley Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Engineering" from the College of Engineering at Penn State.
March 2022: Conference paper by A Ojha, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli, and R Leicht on “Barrier Analysis of Effective Implementation of Robotics in the Construction Industry,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by MS Fardhosseini, A Ojha, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli, and HW Lee on “An Optimal Resource Allocation Strategy for Retrofitting Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the Pre-Disaster Stage,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by A Ojha, M Habibnezhad, and H Jebelli on “Feasibility of Embodied Virtual Agents for Augmenting Students’ Knowledge of Robotic Safety in Construction,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by Y Liu, and H Jebelli on “Intention Estimation in Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Construction: Empowering Robots to Gauge Workers’ Posture,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by Y Liu, and H Jebelli on “Worker-Aware Robotic Motion Planner in Construction for Improved Psychological Well-Being during Worker-Robot Interaction,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by S Shayesteh, and H Jebelli on “Toward Human-in-the-Loop Construction Robotics: Understanding Workers’ Response through Trust Measurement during Human-Robot Collaboration,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by J Seagers, Y Liu, and H Jebelli on “Smart Robotic System to Fight the Spread of COVID-19 at Construction Sites,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
March 2022: Conference paper by S Shayesteh, and H Jebelli on “Enhanced Situational Awareness in Worker-Robot Interaction in Construction: Assessing the Role of Visual Cues,” was presented at The Construction Research Congress (CRC 2022), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
February 2022: Book chapter by Yizhi Liu, Mahmoud Habibnezhad, and Houtan Jebelli on “Worker-Aware Task Planning for Construction Robots: A Physiologically Based Communication Channel Interface," was published by Springer.
February 2022: Book chapter by Shayan Shayesteh, Amit Ojha, and Houtan Jebelli on “Workers’ Trust in Collaborative Construction Robots: EEG-Based Trust Recognition in an Immersive Environment," was published by Springer.
February 2022: Amit Ojha successfully defended his master's thesis. Congratulations, Amit!
February 2022: Shahrad Shakerian successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Digital Twin Enabled Facilities Maintenance Management through the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Sensory-Level Data". Congratulations, Dr. Shakerian!
February 2022: Madeline Breneman joined RAISE Lab as Schreyer Honors Master's student. Welcome to RAISe Lab, Madeline!
January 2022: Congratulations to Amit Ojha for winning first place at the "3-Minute Competition 2021" hosted by AACEI-Montreal Section for his research titled "Human-centric Noninvasive Physiological Sensing System for Early Detection of Worker's Heat Stress in the Field."
January 2022: Check out our recently published book with Springer entitled "Automation and Robotics in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry."
September 2021: Journal paper by M Sadat-Mohammadi, SH Shakerian, Y Liu, S Asadi, and H Jebelli on “Non-invasive physical demand assessment using wearable respiration sensor and random forest classifier," was published by the Journal of Building Engineering.
September 2021: Journal paper by SH Shakerian, M Habibnezhad, A Ojha, G Lee, Y Liu, H Jebelli, and SH Lee on “Assessing occupational risk of heat stress at construction: A worker-centric wearable sensor-based approach," was published by the Journal of Safety Science.
September 2021: Conference paper by S Shakerian, A Ojha, H Jebelli, and W Sitzabee on “Investigating the Potentials of Operational Data Collected from Facilities’ Embedded Sensors for Early Detection of HVAC Systems’ Failures,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Conference paper by S Shayesteh, and H Jebelli on “Feasibility of Virtual Avatar Simulator for Human-robot Collaboration Training in Construction,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Conference paper by Y Liu, and H Jebelli on “Human-Robot Co-adaptation in Construction: Bio-signal based Control of Bricklaying Robots,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Conference paper by Y Liu, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli, and V Monga on “Worker-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical System for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Conference paper by S Shakerian, H Jebelli, and W Sitzabee on “Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis for HVAC Systems by Applying Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Conference paper by A Ojha, Y Liu, S Shayesteh, and H Jebelli on “Developing an Affordable Robotic System for Automated Fall Hazard Detection and Localization in Indoor Construction Environments,” was presented at The ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), Orlando, Florida, USA.
September 2021: Journal paper by M Nazari-Heris, MA Mirzaei, S Asadi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, K Zare, and H Jebelli on “A hybrid robust-stochastic optimization framework for optimal energy management of electric vehicles parking lots," was published by the Journal of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.
July 2021: Ken is selected as a new member of the Masason Foundation, Congratulations Ken!
June 2021: Journal paper by Y Liu, M Habibnezhad, SH Shayesteh, H Jebelli, and SH Lee on “Paving the Way for Future EEG Studies in Construction: Dependent Component Analysis for Automatic Ocular Artifact Removal from Brainwave Signals," was published by the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
May 2021: Journal paper by G Lee, B Choi, H Jebelli, and SH Lee on “Assessment of construction workers’ perceived risk using physiological data from wearable sensors: A machine learning approach," was published by the Journal of Building Engineering.
May 2021: Congratulations to Jon for winning the Outstanding Senior Thesis award! ! Well done!
May 2021: Congratulations to three RAISe lab members, Shayan, Milad, and Yizhi, for winning the Borda Graduate Scholarship award! Very well done and keep up the hard work!
April 2021: Yizhi passed his Ph.D. qualification exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, Yizhi!
February 2021: Journal paper by Y Liu, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli on “Brainwave-driven human-robot collaboration in construction," was published by Automation in Construction, Elsevier.
January 2021: Journal paper by Y Liu, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli on “Brain-computer interface for hands-free teleoperation of construction robots," was published by Automation in Construction, Elsevier.
January 2021: Conference paper by M Habibnezhad, S Shayesteh, Y Liu, MS Fardhosseini, H Jebelli on “The Architecture of an Intelligent Digital Twin for a Cyber-Physical Route-Finding System in Smart Cities,” was presented at The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hong Kong.
January 2021: Conference paper by S Hwang, H Jebelli, S Lee, S Chung, SH Lee on “Measurement of Individuals’ Emotional Stress Responses to Construction Noise through Analysis of Human Brain Waves,” was presented at The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hong Kong, China.
January 2021: Conference paper by G Lee, H Jebelli, SH Lee on “Online Multi-Task Learning and Wearable Biosensor-based Detection of Multiple Seniors’ Stress in Daily Interaction with the Urban Environment,” was presented at The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hong Kong, China.
January 2021: Conference paper by A Ojha, J Seagers, S Shayesteh, M Habibnezhad, H Jebelli on “Construction Safety Training Methods and their Evaluation Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review,” was presented at The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hong Kong, China.
December 2020: Lorena Ribeiro joined RAISE Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, Lorena!
December 2020: Shahrad passed his Ph.D. qualification exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, Shahrad!
November 2020: Journal paper by Habibnezhad, M., Shayesteh, S., Jebelli, H., Puckett, J., Stentz, J. on “Comparison of ironworker's fall risk assessment systems using an immersive biofeedback simulator," was accepted by Automation in Construction, Elsevier.
November 2020: Conference paper by Kim, D., Jebelli, H., Lee, S., Kamat, V. on “Enhancing Deep Neural Network-Based Trajectory Prediction: Fine-Tuning and Inherent Movement-Driven Post-Processing," was accepted by Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
November 2020: Journal paper by Nazari, M., Mirzaei, M., Asadi, S., Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B., Zare, K., Jebelli, H., Marzband, M. on “Evaluation of hydrogen storage technology in risk-constrained stochastic scheduling of multi-carrier energy systems considering power, gas and heating network constraints," was accepted by International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Pergamon, 55(45).
September 2020: Journal paper by Lee, G., Choi, B., Jebelli, J., Ahn, C.R., Lee, S. on “Noise Reference Signal–Based Denoising Method for EDA Collected by Multimodal Biosensor Wearable in the Field," was accepted by Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 34(6), 04020044.
July 2020: Conference paper by Ojha, A., Shakerian, S., Habibnezhad, M., Jebelli, H., Lee, S., Fardhosseini, M.S. on “Feasibility of Using Physiological Signals from a Wearable Biosensor to Monitor Dehydration of Construction Workers,” was presented at Creative Construction e-Conference 2020, Opatija, Croatia.
May 2020: Journal paper by Jebelli, H., Seo, J., Hwang, S., Lee, S. on “Physiology-based dynamic muscle fatigue model for upper limbs during construction tasks," was accepted by International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 78, 102984.
May 2020: Journal paper by Sadat-Mohammadi, M., Asadi, S., Habibnezhad, M., Jebelli, H. on “Robust scheduling of multi-chiller system with chilled-water storage under hourly electricity pricing," was accepted by the Journal of Energy and Buildings, 110058.
March 2020: Conference paper by Sadat-mohammadi, M., Nazari-heris, M., Asadi, S., Jebelli, H. on “An Incentive-Based Vehicle to Grid Service in Electrical Energy Networks Considering the Effect of Battery Degradation Cost,” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Nazari-heris, M., Sadat-mohammadi, M., Amin, M., Asadi, S., Jebelli, H. on “Robust Energy Management of Integrated Power Infrastructure and Gas Networks with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources,” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Liu, Y., Habibnezhad, M., Jebelli, H., Asadi, S., Lee, S. on “Ocular Artifacts Reduction in EEG Signals Acquired at Construction Sites by Applying a Dependent Component Analysis (DCA),” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Fardhosseini, M.S., Habibnezhad, M., Jebelli, H., Migliaccio, G., Lee, H.W., Puckett, J. on “Recognition of Construction Workers’ Physical Fatigue Based on Gait Patterns Driven from Three-axis Accelerometer Embedded in a Smartphone,” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Fardhosseini, M.S., Karji, A., Dossick, C.S., Woo, L.H., Jebelli, H., Beatty, S. on “The Cost-Effectiveness of Integrating Digital Fabrication for Concrete Formworks,” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Sadat-mohammadi, M., Nazari-heris, M., Asadi, S., Jebelli, H. on “An Incentive-Based Vehicle to Grid Service in Electrical Energy Networks Considering the Effect of Battery Degradation Cost,” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Conference paper by Liu, Y., Habibnezhad, M., Jebelli, H., Asadi, S., Lee, S. on “Ocular Artifacts Reduction in EEG Signals Acquired at Construction Sites by Applying a Dependent Component Analysis (DCA),” was presented at Construction Research Congress 2020 (ASCE), Tempe, Arizona, U.S.
March 2020: Journal paper by Lee, G., Choi, B., Jebelli, H., Ahn, C., and Lee, S. on “Wearable-based Collective Sensing to Detect Environmental Barriers for the Elderly’s Mobility," was accepted by the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
March 2020: Journal paper by Habibnezhad, M., Puckett, J., Jebelli, H., Karji, A., Fardhosseini, M.S., Asadi, S. on “Neurophysiological testing for assessing construction workers' task performance at virtual height," was accepted by the Journal of Automation in Construction.
January 2020: Shayan has been awarded the University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) fellowship for the fall 2020-spring 2021 academic year. This is the most prestigious graduate awards given at Penn State. Congratulations, Shayan!
January 2020: Jacob has been selected for the undergraduate research assistantship position to work under Prof. Jebelli’s supervision. Congratulations, Jacob!
January 2020: Shayan Shayesteh joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Shayan!
January 2020: Amit Ojha joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Amit!
December 2019: Yumna has been selected as the 2019 recipient of the Sustainability Champion award. This is an incredibly selective award. Congratulations, Yumna!
December 2019: Jonathan Seagers joined RAISE Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, Jon!
December 2019: Journal paper by Lee, G., Choi, B., Jebelli, H., Ahn, C., and Lee, S. on “Wearable-based Collective Sensing to Detect Environmental Barriers for the Elderly’s Mobility," was accepted by the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
October 2019: Journal paper by Jebelli, H., Choi, B., and Lee, S. on “Application of Wearable Biosensors in Construction Sites. Part II: Assessing Workers’ Physical Demand,” was accepted by the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE.
September 2019: Jerome Jackson has been selected for the undergraduate research assistantship position to work under Prof. Jebelli’s supervision. Congratulations and welcome, Jerome!
September 2019: Dr. Mahmoud Habibnezhad joined RAISE Lab as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome, Mahmoud!
September 2019: Jacob Ringer joined RAISE Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, Jacob!
August 2019: Shahrad Shakerian joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Shahrad!
August 2019: Yizhi Liu joined RAISE Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Yizhi!
July 2019: Conference paper by Choi, B., Lee, G., Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. on “Assessing Workers’ Perceived Risk During Construction Task Using a Wristband-Type Biosensor”, was presented at Creative Construction Conference 2019, CCC 2019, Budapest, Hungary.
Jun 2019: Conference paper by Lee, G., Choi, B., Jebelli, H., and Ahn, CR. on “Reference Signal-Based Method to Remove Respiration Noise in Electrodermal Activity (EDA) Collected from the Field”, was presented at ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, Atlanta, Georgia.
May 2019: Conference paper by Habibnezhad, M., Puckett, J., Jebelli, H., Fardhosseini, S., and Pratama, L. on “Experiencing Extreme Height for The First Time: The Influence of Height, Self-Judgment of Fear and a Moving Structural Beam on the Heart Rate and Postural Sway During the Quiet Stance”, was presented at the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Banff, Canada.
May 2019: Journal paper by Jebelli, H., Choi, B., and Lee, S. on “Application of Wearable Biosensors in Construction Sites. Part I: Assessing Workers’ Stress,” was accepted by the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE.
May 2019: Journal paper by Ahn, C., Lee, S., Sun, C., Jebelli, H., Choi, B., and Yang, K. on “ Review of Wearable Sensing Technology Applications in Construction Safety and Health” was accepted by the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE